Adding stone veneer to the exterior of your home adds unparalleled curb appeal and value. A stone chimney, custom steps, stone facade or entryway will captivate any audience, arouse one’s curiosity and provide an artistic touch to the exterior details of any home.

Proficiency in any art cannot be obtained without study and perseverance. Stonework is certainly no exception, but difficulties will soon vanish if you commence with the confidence that you will succeed.

Practice makes perfect

~ Ian Cramb, The Art of the Stonemason

Even a stone… could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it and let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.

~ Eckhart Tolle

Let Unmistaken Stonecraft help you design and install your next natural stone project.